Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Hike(s)

Bonjour again! Sorry for the lapse in updates, but we have been super busy here in France. On Sunday, we left Paris for Lyon and then Grenoble. Lyon wasn't as great as I had heard, so we moved on quickly. Grenoble wasn't a fantastic town either, but the next day we did one of the greatest things I've ever done in my whole life: ascended Alpe d'Huez.

Yes, we did it on foot, and yes, the 14 km hike took us over three hours, but we did go from around 200m in altitude to close to 2000 very quickly. You should have seen the views. It was absolutely fantastic.

Today, Alex and I visited a small town called Annecy which is now my favorite place on Earth. Picture the most amazing mountains you can imagine. Then add the most perfect, clean, freshwater lake you can imagine. Then add the most perfect, quaint little mountain town. Then you've got Annecy. Maybe I'll get to retire there someday.

Anyway, we're going to take a lift from Chamonix up to Mont Blanc tomorrow - nearly 4000m, and the tallest point in the Alps. I'll let you know how freakin' awesome that is when we get back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the words of our American Napoleon, "Lucky!".

Can't wait to see the pics. Any trek up the most famous cycling Alp would have to be amazing.

Alle' Jan!

Uncle Sean

9:46 PM  

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