Friday, June 23, 2006

The Loire

I only have five minutes left on this computer, so I'm going to make this post pretty quick.

Wednesday was Museum Day and every major attraction in Paris was taken by storm. The Louvre (in 2 hours, I probably missed half of the stuff), then Musee d'Orsay and a few others. Saint Chapelle was by far the coolest thing I've seen in Paris thus far - stained glass thirty feet high! I'll have to post pictures one day to do it justice.

Wednesday night was FREAKIN' AWESOME! It was, in fact, what the French call 'Fete de la Musique' or Festival of Music. Everyone in the city came out and there were people playing (bands, singers, etc.) at literally every intersection of two or more streets throughout the city! Insane. And it lasted well into the night.

Blarg! I don't have enough time to write. Last night I met two 65 year old Belgian guys who are halfway through with their 3,000 km journey from Amsterdam to Spain BY BIKE. They do 100 miles a day and they're huge fans of Tom Boonen. I'm jealous. I also got to see some awesome dogs at this castle (Cheverny) but I'll have to post more on that later...

Today was 'Explore the Loire' day. Bicycles were rented and 40+ kilometres were covered, with ample chateaux in the middle. It was a blast, but those last 10 kms hurt.

Schedule - Loire tonight, back to Paris tomorrow, then off to Avignon and then to Lyon. Guess where we're going next weekend? Strasbourg for the first stage of the Tour de France! w00t! Anyway, my time is about up. Thanks for reading! I'll try to update again soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Finally got around to checking this thing out. It sounds like you guys are having too much fun.

-Sarah the Mangofarmer :)

11:13 AM  

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