Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

On Wednesday morning, I will embark on the first leg of my 50+ day summer ultra-excursion. Allow me to give you a general outline as to where I will be for the next many weeks:
  • Day 0 - Airplane from Dayton to Philadelphia, train(s) from Philadelphia to Doylestown.
  • Days 1-9 - Road tripping down to Delaware, visiting friends back in the place I used to call home.
  • Day 10 - Doylestown, packing one final time before hopping on another few trains to Trenton, then to New York City, and then on to the airport.
  • Days 11-42 - Backpacking from Paris, France to Rome, Italy in 31 days.
  • Day 43 - Recovering from jetlag and somehow finding my way back to Doylestown.
  • Days 44-53 - Delaware, visiting old friends again before finally heading home to get ready to start working.
It's going to be very busy. I'm not sure how I am going to operate in Europe. I have been toying with the idea of making a separate blog to serve as my European journal; from what I hear, internet cafés are fairly ubiquitous on the other side of the Atlantic. We'll just have to wait and se how things go.


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